Soft Collection

This is a stage of conducting the negotiations between the parties and also of defining a list of claims. The goal of this stage is the free-will and operative reimbursement of debts, subject to keeping the friendly between the parties. Please, remember! The shorter period of indebtedness is, the more effective its recovery is and the less costs for the recovery process are.

Soft Collection service comprises three stages of work.

Pre Soft Collection: if the debt is from 31 to 60 days overdue

  1. Telephone calls from collectors
  2. Informing about the debt in SMS messages
  3. Automatic voice messages to the debtors
  4. Mail letters-notifications

Soft Collection: if the debt is more than 61 days overdue

  1. Skip Tracing – search for additional contact details of the debtors (i.e. address, telephone number, e-mail, and so on)
  2. Sending warnings to the debtor’s address, by mail
  3. Applying various techniques and methods of convincing, also using the image and reputation of PfB Collection Company
  4. Controlling payment and reimbursement of the overdue debts

Field Collection: if the debt is more than 91 days overdue
The Field Collection stage shall be mentioned as a separate point in the process of recovery of debts on credit duties. The debt recovery specialists carry on efficient actions to analyse the real financial condition of those debtors, who avoid debt reimbursement or meetings with the creditor or latter’s representatives. This stage also comprises the search of those debtors, who change or hide their location, as well as the analysis of the property, which such debtors dispose of.

  1. Analysing the debtors’ financial condition
  2. Analysing the property, which such debtors presently dispose of
  3. Determining a flexible debt restructuring system (for instance, we offer a new debt reimbursement schedule)
  4. Developing a system of instalments or discounts, subject to full one-time payment
  5. Explaining the rights and opportunities for the parties to find a way out of the debt situations

Advantages of collaboration with the recovery specialists at the ‘Soft’ stage:

Bringing promptly the debtors back to the payment schedule, which was set forth by the creditor

Reducing the percentage of clients that are late with their payments

Keeping the loyalty of your clients, due to high-quality and ethical approach to debt recovery

Working operatively with a huge number of debtors, due to the CRM system, which also due to setting up the application programming interface with the clients, as well as due to systematisation of and control over the recovery process

Saving the administrative expenses relating to the recovery process (i.e. telephony, correspondences or consumables)

Saving the time, financial and human resources, for the development of your business